You truly a servant of God
Just watched your program on Vision TV ….and was so encouraged by your very Christ centred & biblical teaching .
St. Catharines Ontario
This brought healing knowledge and advice
Your sincere honesty and sharing of true situations in your life, helped the rest of us to open up and share too.
North Vancouver Canada
God willing will have the mortgage paid off in September
Blessings to you! I've continued to watch you on Financial Moments on YesTV and you always
have a wealth of information - I loved the comparison between secular and non-secular ways of
managing money it really spoke to me and reminded me of the importance of managing money
God's way.
Burlington Ontario
Zoom Small group Participant Testimony
Thanks so much for the opportunity to take Financial Management God's Way.
Blessings to Tom and his team.
Kemptville, Ontario Canada
We found the workshop extremely helpful
"Tom, my wife and I attended one of your workshops over 10 years ago when we were struggling with a crippling load of debt. We found the workshop extremely helpful and through your guidance and the principles you taught, and turning to God in complete trust of our situation, not only did.
Newmarket Ontario
Tom Copland’s book, Financial Moments
If you finally want to straighten out your finances the right way based on Biblical principles, get this book. You’ll wonder how you ever dealt with your finances without it."
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
Sincerest thanks and may the Lord continue to bless you, your family and Copland financial ministries.
I couldn't express enough how grateful I am to have Christine, and now Ton, helping us.
Christine is incredibly skilled, creative and the most amazing blessing in so many ways!
Stouffville Ontario Canada
The budgeting material (in particular) has been very helpful
I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to take this course. Thank you, Tom, for your ministry."
Oro-Medonte, Ontario, Canada
Your radio programs have been a daily source of inspiration
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out and express my gratitude for the impact your work has had on my life over the past two years. Your radio programs have been a daily source of inspiration and have guided me towards discovering my purpose.
Waterloo, Ontario
Thank You Tom for all you do.
Thank You Tom for all you do.
I hope you know you are breaking chains and setting people free because that is exactly what you are faithfully doing.
Shawville Quebec, Canada
I’d be very grateful to receive a copy of your new book on Biblical principles to deal with inflation
I’d be very grateful to receive a copy of your new book on Biblical principles to deal with inflation. Thank you so much.
I’ve been praying for at least 8 months now, asking God to help my son pay down a large income tax debt.
I can’t tell you how much your courses are helping me. I’m learning so much. It almost seems overwhelming so I need to keep going over it.
Thanks so much. May God richly bless you and your ministry.
J. G.
281 Fir Lane Kemptville, Ont K0G 1J0
My financial situation is a burden to me
I am doing your 4 part financial online course. I am so blessed to be apart of this course.
My financial situation is a burden to me and I am so encouraged by these sessions.
I saw you on TV about a year ago and have blessed since.
Praying the Lord will continue to bless you abundantly as you help us with our financial situation so that we can have peace and joy as Children of God.
18 Cloverlawn Street, Brampton Ontario, Canada
Thank You Tom and God Bless You. I keep you in my Prayers
Tom you are without a doubt one of the most humble people I have ever had the privilege to listen to.
That has to be the reason why the Holy Spirit draws so many people to your teachings, He is your partner.
Have a great evening. God Bless.
Shawville Québec, Canada
I have been blessed to be a part of this Biblical teaching!
This teaching is EXACTLY what I need and want, and I have been learning and applying. I also let others know about it. I purchased some of the books, and was blessed to receive a free one too, and I give these books to my friends and family members.
Saskatchewan, Canada
Thank you Copland Financial Ministries
I have learned how to manage my finance according Biblical Principles . It has been an eye open experience for me.
Financial Moments, Biblical Principles That Will Transform How You Manage Money
I’m reading through that book by Tom Copland. Wow is it good and wow did I break so many principles of God! It’s very confusing as I thought this was the will of the Lord how it came about but he says at the beginning that Tom said God uses financial issues as trials as well.
God had me take your Zoom class right on time. This was a big debt and because of what I learned in your classes concerning the Word of God I decided not to take any offers to pay less of my debt but instead I desired to pay it all. I could not have actually done so without God helping me each step each day each week each month.
Brampton ON, Canada
I wish I had learned these principles sooner
My knowledge and understanding of God's financial principles has profoundly changed. The bible is a wealth of information on how we should wisely think and then manage our finances. I have been so culturally accustomed to secular thinking about finances that I was not even aware of the detrimental impact that it had on my relationship with God.
Toronto, ON, Canada
It pushed me to pay off my mortgage
I sincerely thank you (Copland Financial Ministries) for hosting these wonderful sessions on Financial Management God's Way. It really pushed me to pay off my mortgage sooner than later, and I'm forever grateful! Thank you for taking the time to chat with me after our session. I value your insights, along with the tips you gave me.
Toronto, ON, Canada
God answers prayer with respect to a wayward daughter
Growing up, my parents and grandparents never overspent on anything and neither did I (but we are not holy and righteous). However, while I thought I was “pretty good in terms of everything” especially money management, my daughter’s credit card debts surfaced in 2013 after she was baptized and moved away from home to university. For the first time, she had a lot of money to manage, from student loans, ESF education saving fund, part time jobs to monetary gifts from relatives.
New Tecumseth, ON, Canada
Tom's faithfulness to love God and love people
Amazing! Tom’s knowledge of the bible is extraordinary and God’s call on his life is unmistakable, allowing so many people the opportunity to learn and understand how to manage finances God’s way.
I feel truly blessed to have been able to participate and learn from Tom’s wisdom. His generosity in offering this program without charging a fee is testament to his commitment to God and man. Tom lives his faith and demonstrates his faithfulness to love God and love people. Thank you Tom!!
Barrie, ON, Canada
Zoom Webinar Testimony
We want to say thank you! We have been attending your zoom study on financial management God's way. We have both learned so much. Personally, I never dreamed the Bible had so much to say on finances. We are currently working on a budget for ourselves and are actively paying down our debt. Thank you so much for teaching this awesome study.
Oxbow, SK, Canada
A life-changing testimony
There has been a spiritual shift in my finances since taking your class. I didn’t notice much of a difference initially, but a couple of months later I recognized that I was thinking differently about money.
I have continued to track my expenses diligently and formulate a budget every 2 weeks.
Toronto, ON, Canada
God's Word on finances more effectively
People are still commenting about the significant blessing your seminar series “Handling Money God’s Way” was. We had over 200 individuals sign up for this – and about one-third of those were from outside our church – praise God!!
In one session, you shared how to have a personal relationship with Christ and we offered new testaments to anyone who wanted one, and over 30 people took one.
God used you to save a life
It is amazing to hear from you and would be thrilled to speak with you. You were the first human voice I heard as God’s grace filled my life. Please know that at least once God uses your recorded voice to save a human life and to add my name to the Book of Life. Thank you.
Halifax, NS, Canada
The expressions of my gratitude are many
Where do I begin? The Lord our God, my Heavenly Father, brought me to Copland Financial Ministries. I have been both convicted and encouraged.
Since taking Financial Management God’s Way for Singles, I have made two or three major financial decisions that I believe please God. Knowing and understanding and then implementing the Word of God in my finances are a great blessing bringing peace and joy.
Brampton, ON, Canada
It has helped convict my heart
Thank-you for leading our finance course! It has helped convict my heart to make some practical changes.
The difference between this course and the other course Jamie and I did 8-9 years ago is the infusion of God's word into the curriculum. It's neat having my Bible beside me while I'm working through the case studies.
So, thank you both (and Tom Copland) for providing such a strong Biblical foundation to what we are learning. I'm finding not only is my mind (and pocket-book) being challenged, but my heart is as well. I feel God is challenging my thinking on faith and trust in Him as well.
Calgary, AB
A man was in the depths of despair
A man was in the depths of despair and psyched himself to drive his car into the water to commit suicide. He said the only station that would come in was CJLU 93.9. He specifically heard Tom Copland and decided against killing himself. He gave his life to Christ and has been a Christian now for a year and a half. He talked about the Bibles he has been giving out to people and how he now attends a local church.
He called the station this week to share his testimony. Thank you for airing Financial Moments on Harvesters FM. God bless you.
J.L. (Radio Host)
Eastern Canada
I've benefited greatly from your teaching
I've benefited greatly from your teaching as it has helped me change my thought process on handling my finances, planning for the future, and estate planning. I record your messages on my PVR so I can watch them from time to time. So again thank you again.
Montréal, QC, Canada
You have changed my life
I just want to let you know that I was listening to your message years ago when we were working together. You have changed my life. I sold my larger house and minimized my lifestyle and set new financial goals because of the time you spent talking with me and the CD’s you gave me. I wanted you to know that I was listening. I’ve made saving a priority. Thank goodness! I know it won’t be an easy time here, but boy I’m glad I’ve been saving.
South Carolina, USA
Faith FM Listener
I listen to you almost every day on Faith FM. I have learned so much and you have been God sent to me. I was praying to God for help in understanding His law with regards to finance and God blessed me with the best teacher/mentor I could have asked for. Thank you Tom and God bless you.
Thank you for your advice
Thanks so much for your advice and all your resources. Your support, advice, validation and sincere heart have been such an encouragement and blessing to us. We left our time with you feeling great peace and clarity, even though all our financial problems are not instantly solved. God used you to speak into our lives and we are so thankful for that.
Toronto, ON, Canada
My spirit feels with your advice
I am very impressed with your view on finances as it appears to me to be the most godly perspective all based on scripture. I can also sense your sincere love and devotion to the Lord and your desire to bring Him glory. You are seeking Him first and His kingdom and His righteousness by seeking the Holy Spirit’s individual direction through spending time in the Word and His presence. My spirit feels with your advice.
Thank you Tom for your faithfulness
Thank you Tom for your faithfulness in teaching through God's word, and many hours on your own time, for our benefit and God's call. It has been great and very much appreciated by me and I am sending a donation for your ministry, by mail today. I will continue to pray for your ministry, too. Thank you again for all you do.
Stouffville, ON, Canada
Video Testimonials
Cam's Testimony
Randy Ziegenhagel
Wolf German
Colin accepts Christ after almost ending his life
It is God through his word (Hebrews 4:12) and his spirit (John 10:27) that draws people into a relationship with Christ. Be sure to listen to this video as Colin Long provides his testimony of how he had planned to commit suicide, but God did a miraculous thing, working through one of Tom’s financial moments, Colin came to know Christ as Saviour and Lord. We praise God!
InTouch 2013
InTouch 2011
Cam's Testimony
Bayfair Testimonies
Morningstar Mike