UPDATE - God Is Blessing!
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God is continuing to expand His kingdom through Copland Financial Ministries!
Here's an overview of what the Lord has done during 2022.
The financial moment ministry has grown tremendously - now on 192 radio facilities and 7 TV stations across Canada and some northern United States. Between the Financial Moments and the one-half hour radio and TV shows, we are reaching an estimate of about 2.5 million people a week. Praise God!! That's the hand of the Lord!
Although COVID 19 has created a number of challenges, it has also resulted in opportunities. For example, Tom developed and presented a series twice on the topic "Dealing with Inflation and High Interest Rates from a Biblical Perspective" and we had people from almost every province in the country and some from the United States.
In addition, we had several small groups on Zoom going through Tom's in-depth study "Financial Management God's Way" led by various small group leaders.
Here are some testimonies from people who attended these webinar/small group series:
1. “I sincerely thank you (Copland Financial Ministries) for hosting these wonderful sessions on Financial Management God's Way. I'm forever grateful! I value your insights, along with the tips you gave me. Praise the Lord who enabled me to pay off that mortgage! I'm so glad I'm mortgage-free. What a relief it is! To Him, I give all the glory for what He made happen for me.” SP Toronto, Canada
2. “Your ministry has been a great blessing to me and your email responses helped me avoid taking another loan of about 40% interest just to pay off the other debt. …I need to thank you and those who labour with you in your ministry.” NF, Brampton Ontario Canada.
3. "I attended the financial workshop and by God’s grace I was able to pay off my debts supernaturally by God’s provision. I know God transformed my situation after years of financial bondage now I am debt free and can give more and do more for His Glory. I give God the praise and glory for his direction and wisdom, and for you and your financial management course. May your ministry continue to be blessed as you speak God's word into our lives for practical use and adaptation?” SE, Toronto Canada.
4. “I would also like to thank Copland Financial Ministries, Tom Copland and Randy Ziegenhagel for this amazing teaching on Financial Management God’s Way for Women. I have learned how to manage my finances according to Biblical principles. It has been an eye open experience for me. Thanks Again! I feel truly blessed!” RG, Calgary Alberta.
5. “Dear Tom, I attended one of your courses many years ago. Your teaching and your humbleness before the Lord has stayed with me. Thanks be to God I am debt-free and I'm able to be used to help others in this world. Many thanks for your ministry.” LP, Toronto Canada
6. “I was able to start reading your book today and I’m barely into it and already feel the presence of God as I’m reading. Tom, I truly love you brother. You are such an encouragement to me and so many people. The way you include scripture throughout your writing is so timely and applicable…you teach the Bible so clearly and well. Yes, God has picked you for this ministry and I’m sure thankful for that. God bless you Tom!!” RZ, Holland Landing Ontario.
7. “Thank you for having these workshops. I didn’t realize how much I needed them and how much I needed to change. It has given me encouragement to take my financial picture more seriously and to want to use money God’s way.” AH, Edmonton Alberta.
8. “I have been blessed to be a part of this Biblical teaching! God continues to make a difference in my entire life through this workshop series, because applying Biblical principles on finances, seems to have a domino effect resulting in other areas of my life and health being improved, especially peace of mind and contentment. This teaching is EXACTLY what I need and want, and I have been learning and applying. I also let others know about it.” BG Saskatchewan, Canada.
9. “Thank you for your financial seminar I took for Singles last year. Your seminars are excellent biblical teaching that works and I am still using today. Thank you Tom and thank you God!” PH, Vancouver Canada.
10. “Tom you are without a doubt one of the most humble people I have ever had the privilege to listen to. That has to be the reason why the Holy Spirit draws so many people to your teachings, He is your partner. God Bless,” DWP, Shaw Bill Québec Canada.
Expansion of the ministry.
And Darlene continues to expand the ministry through our website and social media. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter under @biblefinance and be sure to check us out at coplandfinancialministries.org and our YouTube channel Copland Financial Ministries.
Biblical-based financial counseling
Between Tom and his small group leaders/financial coaches, we provided biblically-based financial advice on a ministry bases at no charge to over 1,300 people during the last year [that's up from 1,000 last year].
eBook - Click here - Use promo code "TOM" for 20% off
God enabled Tom to write a new book it’s titled "Debt Reduction, Biblical Principles to Do with Inflation and High Interest Rates and Eliminating Debt". With the incredible increase in interest rates and inflation in the past year, the majority of people are hurting financially. However for those who have followed the biblical financial principles and have no debt, higher interest rates does not affect them. And for those who have saved according to biblical principles [Proverbs 21:20] but this surplus of cash, they will be able to handle the increased cost of living.
If you are interested in a physical copy of this book you can click HERE.
To purchase the eBook version, click HERE. Use the promo code "TOM" at check-out for 10% off.
If you wish to have a copy of the book but cannot afford it, please reply to this email and explain your situation. If it is reasonable and you commit to reading it and pray for our ministry regularly, we will send you the book for free. NOTE: This offer only applies within Canada.
Half hour programs
We recorded several new half-hour radio and TV programs including: "Dealing with Inflation and High Interest Rates from a Biblical Perspective" and 3 new half-hour programs titled "Investing God's Way". You can watch these on our website www.coplandfinancialministries.org.
We continue with the half-hour TV shows on Vision TV [nationwide], Joy TV [based in Vancouver, BC], and Faith TV [based in Winnipeg, MB] as well as the half-hour shows on WDCX Radio [Buffalo/Toronto, ON], half-hour shows on Faith FM radio stations in London, Kitchener and Woodstock, ON.
This year, God opened the door for several additional half-hour shows to go on Miracle Channel in Western Canada, and with respect to Eastern Canada, we now have 9 half-hour programs on the Harvesters stations covering almost all of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI. Praise God!
As usual, Tom receives no remuneration whatsoever and almost all the people involved in the ministry are volunteers, however there are significant radio and TV costs, so we would encourage you to prayerfully consider giving to this ministry. [We have a donor who will match all donations so when you give your funds are immediately doubled!]
Contributions can be made by automatic monthly donations or one time donations. To give, go to coplandfinancialministries.org/donate or send a check to:
Copland Financial Ministries
325 Renfrew Drive, Suite 301
Markham, ON L3R 9S8, Canada
We are registered with Canada Revenue Agency and will issue donation receipts.
Proverbs 3:9, 10 says: "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops, then your barns to be filled overflowing and your vats will brim over with new wine".
Thank you for your prayers and financial support!
Tom Copland, President